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Stoney Baloney | A Narrated Cannabis Column

Dec 27, 2022

If you played sports as a kid, you probably remember that swirling stomach sensation just before the start of game called “the butterflies”. This swarm of jitters fluttered through your abdomen inducing slight nausea, perpetuated by the potential of embarrassment, or incurring a painful injury.

This is the reaction...

Dec 19, 2022

Wisdom is never bought and sold but gained through participation. One must have experienced events which allow us to draw context that is then utilized for delegating from a position of better understanding. For most, this comes sparingly through the routine of daily life, but then there are some who thrust themselves...

Dec 13, 2022

I’ve got a beef. Whoever invented this mindless game blatantly stole the name from Beavis’s alter ego. I mean, nothing embodies bottled up teen angst more than the Great Cornholio teeth-chattering out stream of consciousness anxiety like a vibrating dildo with a broken off-switch. And how the hell that translated...

Dec 5, 2022

Autism is not funny. 

If you’re poking at a human being, that is. But if it’s an animal (or an insect, or a fish, etc.), you have license to say whatever you want because the concept seems ridiculous. It’s not an official veterinary diagnosis. 

Cannabis experiences the same plight, in that if there’s little...

Nov 28, 2022

Since the first Caribbean pirate washed down his minnow stew with peppercorn spiced rum, the mouth mane has stood as a solid sign of masculinity. However, as hair trends wane and wax, the last thirty years or so have not been friendly to the man stache. Like, if you donned a thick one and a person caught a glimpse in...